Go your own way Marina Del Ray to Indonesia
This page was created to explain and encourage fellow Cruisers to SAIL2INDONESIA by yourself or in groups with your friends if you desire without the need of going with a organized Rally. While we support rallies we wish to inform all sailors that entry into Indonesia is easier less expensive and hassle free.
The Marina is only one of 2 world class Marinas in Indonesia and was built for the purposes of providing boats a destination that is situated near one of the best sailing locations in the world for you to Base your yacht, Catamaran, Super yacht or Boat. This allows you to stay in Indonesia and explore this amazing archipelago of 17400 islands over 3 years.
Now due to the establishment of Marina Del Ray you have the option to prepare your cruising schedule because you have a safe base to leave your boat with us and fly home for work or to see friends and family and fly home and return ready to explore another season of exploration of our incredible country.
We ask you to carefully consider this option for west about sailors to by pass New Zealand and Australia and sail direct from Fiji, New Caledonia, Tonga, Vanuatu and the Solomon's across the Coral Sea to Port Moresby and then onto Marina Del Ray Port Gili Gede Lombok for your 3 year Boat Clearance and 60 day Tourist Visa which can be extended 4 * 30 days given you a six month window to stay and cruise. After that period you can easily flt from Lombok to other parts of Indonesia inexpensively and renew your 60 days Tourist Visa and a Indonesia Embassy in many parts of Asia easily. The marina provides you with your Tourism Sponsorship for free each time you need to renew.
You don't have to worry about sailing thousands of unnecessary sea miles to stay outside the cyclone areas of the Pacific because Indonesia is north of the Cyclone region. it is a safer option with less wear and tear on your boat, less expensive and we don't have a winter or an oppressive long wet season like Singapore, Hong Kong Malaysia and Thailand.
Our seasons are divided into two. One is the South East Monsoon which is known as the dry season which establishes itself from April to January and from February to March the North West Monsoon is know as the wet season, a great time for East about yachts to arrive at the Marina,
We organize a Return Down Under passage Rally 2021 leaving the Marina in April ( which is a transition period ) before the South East Trades re-establish for boats wanting to sail to Australia, shortly after the Cyclone season finishes.
Any Cruisers wanting to know more Information can easily email ray@marinadelray.co or call him via Whats-app on +628123632266 for more information on the best sailing routes for your passage. Raymond La Fontaine is an experienced Captain who built the Marina for the above reasons and has sailed Indonesia and Asia for the past 2 decades.
Sail your own way Marina Del Ray Rendezvous September 4th 2020
We have Planned a 10 Day Rendezvous at Marina Del Ray arriving on 4th September 2020. On the 12 September 2020 Indonesian flight will be open should you wish to leave your boat with us and take a break and fly home. 60 Day Visa will be available from Indonesian embassy's after the 12th. Should you wish to come before, we are open and will provide 30 Day Crew Visa on your arrival. If you wish to register your interest please fill out the form below.